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Monday - 4th April - Keynote

IP Version 6 (IPv6), Past, Present, and Future

Bob Hinden

The session will discuss why IPv6 was developed, how the IETF developed IPv6, what is the current status of IPv6 on the Internet, and the Challenges going forward.   It will also include the speaker's thoughts on how enterprises will transition from IPv4 to IPv6.

Going Dark -- catastrophic security/privacy losses due to loss of visibility by managed private networks

Dr. Paul Vixie

Going Dark -- effective modern site security is behavioral in nature. We cannot choose or exclude our endpoints nor validate their supply chains, and so to the extent that we manage digital risks posed by our endpoints we do it by watching the signals (packets and flows) they emit. Such observations are categorically untenable for investigative journalists and dissidents since the category is occupied by corrupt or authoritarian regimes or their national security apparatus -- as explained by E. Snowden in 2013 and as codified by the IETF in RFC 7258.


Using the same protocols for mobile devices which accounted for most human-centric endpoint growth since 2010 as we do for fixed devices on networks controlled by families and businesses is disrupting our limited ability to secure the latter in order to defend against worst-case outcomes for the former. Several decades of unapologetic abuse by the powerful have led the IETF to reform the basic Internet protocol suite around TLS 1.3 with Encrypted Client Hello, DNS over HTTPS, and the replacement of TCP by the UDP-based QUIC protocol.


In this new configuration, network operators will not be able to detect endpoint behavior changes corresponding to infection, takeover, poisoned software update, latent design dangers, predaceous grooming, insider corruption, or hundreds of other well-understood digital harms. Many such operators have not been warned about this "rules change" and deserve to have their expectations explicitly and immediately reset so that they can make new plans which will be practical in the next era. It is the goal of this presentation to enumerate those alarms.

Problems That Keep Me Awake At Night

Ron Bonica

In the next 25 years, what new demands will be placed upon the Internet? What technologies will satisfy those demands? What will distract us from developing those technologies?

Tuesday - 5th April - IPv6

Introduction to IPv6 Extension Headers

Nalini Elkins

IPv6 Extension Headers are an important (controversial) of the IPv6 protocol.  In this introductory session to Extension Headers, we will learn:


- What are the frequently-used Extension Headers?

- What is the basic architecture?

- How are they used?

- What is the nature of the controversy surrounding them?

An Update on IPv6 Fragmentation

Geoff Huston

We designed IPv6 with the intention of changing as little as possible from IPv4. Yes, the address fields were expanded, but little else changed. There were, however, two other changes in the IPv6 protocol that is were substantive: the re-formatting of the Options field into optional Extension Headers, and the re-casting of IPv6 packet fragmentation controls as an Extension Header. How are networks and hosts coping with these changes? This presentation will explore the reliability of IPv6 Fragmentation and Extension Headers in today's IPv6 Internet through a very large-scale measurement program.

Panel Discussion on IPv6 Extension Headers

Ron Bonica, Darren Dukes, Mike Ackermann, Justin Iurman, Fernando Gont, Eric Vyncke (Moderator)

The panel brings together leading industry veterans to discuss and debate IPv6 extension headers.  

Wednesday - 6th April - Hot in Networking

Lightweight Mixnets

Martin Thomson

Networked services are an integral part of how a connected world operates.  We use them every day, often without realizing.  But our use of services can create a lot of waste information, a lot of which is private. This private information often accumulates in servers.  While some services find uses for that information, those uses can be disrespectful of individual privacy.  Oblivious HTTP is a new lightweight protocol that can be used to minimize the amount of private information that servers are exposed to.

Semantic Routing - Challenges and Benefits of Routing on More than Just Addresses

Adrian Farrel

Routing of IP packets is well-known to be based on distributed algorithms that select the next hop
towards the destination address along the best path to the destination. The measure of “best” is
based on the metrics associated with the link. Typically the algorithms that calculate the best path
are known as “shortest path first.”
Traffic Engineering (TE) techniques were developed to provide more sophisticated control of the
paths that collections of packet flows took through the network to guarantee bandwidth and steer
traffic away from the shortest paths.
Upper-layer applications (such as multiplayer immersive gaming, remote surgery, holographic
conferencing, or even haptic augmented reality multiplayer 3D worlds) are now placing increasingly sophisticated demands on the network for better quality, more predictability, and increased reliability. At the same time, lower-layer network technologies are advancing rapidly, providing increased bandwidth to the home and to mobile hand-held devices creating an environment that enables the potential of advanced applications running concurrently by vast numbers of end-users. These demands coincide with a growing trend to extend end-to-end communications to include machines and services through 5G, IoT and vehicular connectivity, and space-terrestrial communication.
The convergence of these innovations places requirements on the network to deliver particular
service level behaviours on a per-flow basis. Unfortunately, TE techniques for bundling extensive
collections of flows are neither scalable nor sufficiently granular to meet these needs.
Semantic Routing is the process of achieving enhanced routing decisions based on semantics added to IP headers to provide differentiated paths for different packet flows distinct from simple shortest path first routing. The additional information or "semantics" may be placed in existing header fields (such as the IPv6 Traffic Class field or the destination address) or may be achieved by adding fields to the header.
This talk will examine the application of Semantic Routing and how it allows packets from different flows (even between the same applications on the same devices) to be marked for different treatment in the network.
We will present an overview of some of the many ways that Semantic Routing has been proposed, from some well-established techniques to newer proposals such as SRv6 Network Programming and Application Aware Networking (APN). We will also examine how Semantic Routing may be integrated with SDN and programmable forwarding planes.
After a short discussion of the challenges and risks to the routing system associated with Semantic Routing, we will conclude with a description of the research challenges of Semantic Routing and an overview of where the research is being discussed.


Dirk Trossen

Computation in the Network (COIN) is a wide ranging term as well as the name of an RG effort in the IRTF. This presentation aims at providing some insights into what COIN may be, where it may be headed and what work it may entail. Those insights are based on individual participation in the COIN RG with some example activities to underlie the key points. The presentation will also utilize the ongoing use case draft efforts to relate to some aspects of COIN.

Thursday - 7th April - IoT

Internet of Things: The Standards Landscape

Carsten Bormann

Microcontrollers have enabled adding processing and communication to many physical objects, but the result is not a simple copy of a general-purpose computing environment. Bringing these objects into the Internet requires attention to their specific constraints. Since 2005, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has been shaping Internet protocols towards the special requirements of such constrained devices, addressing a full stack from adaptation layers to the application layer, including security protocols. Looking at 17 years of standardization, what have we achieved, and what still needs to be completed to arrive at a true Internet of Things?

IoT Webinar Series Kickoff

Pascal Thubert & Georgios Z. Papadopoulos

In May 2021, the IETF published the 6TiSCH architecture, the first IETF document that brings together the components defined at the IETF to enable a combination of deterministic and stochastic IPv6 traffic over a deterministic low power radio. The IoT Webinar series cover the main elements of that architecture, first placing the 6TiSCH architecture in the more general context of deterministic networking, then walking through its main elements that are 6LoWPAN Header compression, fragmentation, and Neighbor Discovery, as well as the RPL routing protocols, introducing the key design choices that lead to the standards and the resulting protocol operations.


The webinar will be composed of 5 sessions of one hour each:


  • Session 1: Introduction :

  • Session 2: 6TiSCH, DetNet & RAW Architectures  RFC 9030, RFC 8655, RAW architecture draft

  • Session 3: IPv6 and 6LoWPAN:  RFC 4919, 4944, 6282, 8025, 8930, 8931

  • Session 4: Routing protocol in Industrial IoT: on RPL in existing -  RFCs 6550, 8138, 9008, (DAO projection)

  • Session 5: 6LoWPAN ND and RPL: present, interaction, future - RFC 8505, 8928, 9010, 6lo multicast draft  

Panel Discussion on IoT deployments

Carsten Bormann, Pascal Thubert, Georgios Z. Papadopoulos, Rahul Jadhav, Ravi Shiroor, Sundar Ramakrishna, Shwetha Bhandari (Moderator)

The panel brings together leading academics and industry veterans to discuss and debate on the progress we have made so far in defining and deploying IoT technologies. We will hear about IoT protocol standardization, IOT in rural and Agri as well as defense use. Followed by forecasts on what is next in this space. 

Friday - 8th April - Beyond IETF

Intro to SDOs and SIGs that can influence enterprise networks

Barbara Stark

Explore the wide variety of standards organizations and industry groups that create the specifications, certifications, and advocacy for technologies used in many enterprise networks. Learn the roles of various groups, how they collaborate and compete with each other, how enterprises can benefit from their output, and how enterprises might influence this output to steer technologies in directions that are beneficial for enterprise networks.

Testing Wi-Fi performance

Lincoln Lavoie

The Broadband Forum's BBF.398 Grade Wi-Fi program is the industry's first performance testing program for Wi-Fi products.  The program provides a public mark and badge to Wi-Fi Access Point devices meeting service provider performance benchmarks.  These benchmarks ensure the Access Point is capable of delivering the performance required to meet subscriber and user expectations for today's applications.  The program's testing has been developed within the Broadband Forum, and encompasses input from both service providers and equipment vendors alike.  Today we'll present an overview of the complete program, the testing and requirements on devices awarded the BBF.398 mark, and future plans as the program is evolved to include the newest Wi-Fi technologies and deployment requirements.

Device Management

Jason Walls

The key to successful network operations is the movement towards managed networks, particularly in Wi-Fi and the network edge. The right technology to accomplish this in the enterprise is one that is interoperable, standardized, and well tested. The Broadband Forum released the User Services Platform (USP) in 2018 as an evolution to the popular TR-069 standard that operates in over a billion deployments worldwide. USP has unique features that enable enterprises to facilitate departments with different roles working on the same networks, gather valuable Key Performance Indicators for monitoring and optimization, and deploy applications across an organization, while balancing the benefits of cloud-native technologies with the caveats that they hold when managing edge network CPE, Wi-Fi, and IoT devices.

Private 5G Network

Satish Jamadagni

There is a lot of interest in "private Networks" in recent times due to Industry 4.0 deployments. Private 5G networks will be dominant due to data privacy concerns, secure connectivity concerns and the ability to build "smart" features through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) over EDGE networks. We are starting to see private network deployments in pockets, the question is what does it take to bring the private networks into the mainstream. Three key aspects need consideration: 1. Affordable access network nodes 2. Spectrum sharing flexibility and 3. Well understood services layers on which enterprises can implement specific use cases. I will discuss them in detail in the talk.

pre-Event on Saturday - 2nd April

Introduction to IETF at a high level

Dhruv Dhody

A very quick introduction to the IETF, its founding principle, RFCs, internet drafts, and such. 

Chat with long term IETFers

Adrian Farrel, Allison Mankin, Fred Baker, Praneet Kaur (Moderator)

Let's hear from some long-term IETFers on their journey at IETF so far...

Chat with IETF participants from India

Tirumaleswar Konda, Abhijan Bhattacharyya, Gurshabad Grover, Ketan Talaulikar, Mohit Tahiliani (Moderator)

IETF participants from India share their experience at IETF.

Experience sharing from IETF Newcomers

Ameya Deshpande, Abhishek Kumar

Ameya & Abhishek are students of NITK that got involved with IETF by writing their first drafts and implementing it as well. They will share their experiences. 

How to write internet drafts with Markdown/GitHub

Barbara Stark

Arrive with your GitHub login ready to go. This session will be a hands-on tutorial where people will be provided all the information and links they need to get an IETF draft ready for submission using Markdown and GitHub. Participants will be encouraged to submit pull requests to help edit our very own April 2 IETF example draft. We'll be one day late for April 1, but we won't let that deter us from making our pull requests silly and inane.


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